Picture It And Write

Ermilia’s Picture it & write 🙂  

And here is my entry for March 31, 2013 Picture It And Write  Prompt.

crescent moon


Full…  /waning… / waxing…

yielding purport to mankind

keeping existence.



***Picture it & Write is a weekly creative writing prompt hosted by the Ermilia coauthors, Ermisenda and Eliabeth.  We invite you to join in; continue the story or starting your own based on inspiration from the image.  Poetry and foreign languages are welcome, but please provide a translation.  This photograph will be reblogged under Ermisenda on tumblr and added to the Picture it & Write gallery on Facebook and Pinterest.



  1. A very imaginative Haiku, Dolly… 🙂

  2. Very powerful– it was like getting mooned!! : P

  3. beautiful, Dolly:) could relate to the second line..lovely


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