Sunday’s Sashay

May be a cartoon of 3 people and text that says 'Meet Ora la Lumière. Huh? Another comic?!??! VES, LET'S FOLLOW FLLWHER HER JOURNEY, COMING BACK το LIGHT'

Meet Ora la Lumière Her journey coming back to Light where she came from.
A picture-story telling written in Haiku. All inspired via scriptures. And now in video too; Check out my video channel here:

Subscribed and be blessed!

This is the intro video. Please watch the coming soon Scene 1. Please subscribe in my You Tube Channel  so you wouldn’t miss it. It would be very helpful and I would appreciate much if you’d leave a comment or two. Thank you very much and God bless us all.


Enjoy Your Sunday!

Sunday’s Sashay


Family Christmas Tree

This was our hand-made Christmas Tree 🙂 last 2013…


christmas tree

xmas tree

I won’t be able to be with my family this Christmas’16,
but the memories and togetherness of making our Family Christmas Tree with them count the most.

The joy of making it and sharing thoughts on how to do it was already a Blissful Family Christmas.







Enjoy Your Sunday!


Sunday’s Sashay


One… Two… Three…  SMILE!



 My eldest daughter Maria Ahtalia, with her complete denture patient.
She is soon to graduate in Dentistry at Centro Escolar University, one year from now.



Yes! Another Toothsome in the family!  🙂


Tahlliy showing off the first tooth extraction she did…  hehehe

And here she was at 6 months old…


“I wouldn’t have imagined she would love to be a dentist too!”





Storage Space left for this blog is 20%  from


If you don’t see me here, find me here:

i shoot i zoom some sassy shots

Thanks to all of you who continue to stay with me up to this time.  I love you all!

Sunday’s Sashay


Family Christmas Tree

This is our hand-made Christmas Tree 🙂 My children and I made this one as early as 1 in the morning and we finished it at 5 in the morning, December 1, 2013… 10 hours before my flight coming back to the Kingdom 🙂

christmas tree

xmas tree

I won’t be able to be with my kids this Christmas but the memories and togetherness of making our Family Christmas Tree with them count the most.

The joy of making it and sharing thoughts on how to do it was already a Blissful Family Christmas.


Enjoy Your Sunday!


Sunday’s Sashay


A New Chapter Begins…

I feel great to tell everyone that I am now single.

Three years after my separation (2005), I have filed a marriage annulment (2008).

At long last this year 2013, last September 30, the court has decided and ordered that my marriage was null and void.

I am so happy as ever.

Happy because a new chapter begins in my life and I can move on forward.

Some of you may wonder and would ask me, “do you have any regrets at all?  Do you feel sad?

Well, honestly I do not have any regrets at all.  I have four beautiful, loving and responsible kids.  They are now all grown-ups and as a mother I am so fulfilled that I manage to put them all to school.  A year from now my first daughter, Maria Ahtalia will soon finish her Dentistry course and become a successful Dental Surgeon or Orthodontist.  My second daughter, Greta Garda will soon graduate in IT course 5 months from now to become a successful Digital Arts Designer. My third daughter, Tajah Jireh will soon to become a famous Fashion Designer, 3 years from now.  And my son, Picardo Leo, who is now in Secondary Schoool wanted to become the most wanted Architect one day.

I sounded so positive!  But that is most of mothers wished  for their children, aren’t we all?

Sad? Yes, there is a little sadness in a way that my marriage for 12 years did not work to  last.  But ending it, is the best thing to do and very smart move and I never and I won’t ever regret it.  I have the rest of my life now to look forward to and so I must make the most of it and feel thankful to my God in every moment as possible and ask His guidance and wisdom on how I take charge of my life and make a difference.

I believe that everytihnig happens for a reason.  I have a full life and I take these life challenges in a positive outlook. I move on with my life. I keep adjusting to needs and keeping all vital areas of my life in balance. I will continue to passionately pursue my mission or goal and I will never ever quit.

Life goes on and a new chapter begins. 🙂


Last week November 30… My kids and I went to go house hunting.  And we wished to get and own a Victorian kind of house in this beautiful Village and Resort Community to live by one day 🙂

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This is what a Victorian House look like.

Victorian house

  The house model isn’t ready for viewing yet so I just took this shot from one of their miniature displays…

Have a blessed Sunday Everyone! mmwahhh


Back to work! 🙂

Smoking Area… Just Another Manic Monday


Manic (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Supposedly, this actually happened…


Click the image to see the video:

download (5)

Fun Weekdays Everyone!



Health And Fitness

Hey guys, I just like to update you with my health and fitness program.

Last month April 1, I found out the following:

  • Strength Assessment– Excellent… It means I can carry even one sack of rice by myself alone…   hmmm very nice 🙂 hahaha
  • Flexibility: Poor….   well this one I believe there was a mistake from the machine… LOL
  • My Body Age according to the machine: 55…   another mistake LOL 🙂
  • Over all I am healthy but, but a big BUT… my Fat Mass is higher from my  ideal range (20.5%-base on my weight of 55kg. ) Mine is 38.5%…   Wow! so I need to burn those excess fat from my body to be more healthy and prevent any serious health risk that I might encounter in the future.


Weight:  42-45kg (if I get rid off my excess Fat Mass, this should be my ideal weight)

Body toning and firming….   34-24-34…   Wow!


  • And as of today, May 18,  I weigh 51Kg.
    I lost 4 kilo.  Wow!
    I also lost 4 inches in my waistline.
    Great isn’t it?


Health and Fitness continues, until next update 🙂



Dear All,

To all of my followers/buddies/friends,  thank you so much for staying with me.  I sincerely  and highly appreciate your effort of giving me  a visit or two. Your support by simply clicking like is already big enough to give me an encouragement to continue my blogging.

I may be also behind from reading all of your posts but I will do the best I can to visit all of you guys as much as I can, whenever I can.

I love you!

Stay tune with our regulars:

Mondays:  Manic Monday
Tuesdays:  Arts and Haiku
Wednesdays to Tuesdays:  Art Game
Thursdays: Tooth Of The Day (later it will resume everyday)
Fridays: Cafe Siesta
Saturdays: For The Love Of Haiku (later to resume every Saturdays)
Sundays: All About Lemon Posts…. JEST, Muses, Toothsome Story Game, all around, in and out of my own universe and yours too…  some post challenges or writing or arts and photo challenges
Monthly: Music Passion


I love you all!


Health And Fitness

This Spring I enrolled Me, a One Year Membership Program to Gold’s Gym…

I found out the following:

  • Strength Assessment– Excellent… It means I can carry even one sack of rice by myself alone…   hmmm very nice 🙂 hahaha
  • Flexibility: Poor….   well this one I believe there was a mistake from the machine… LOL
  • My Body Age according to the machine: 55…   another mistake LOL 🙂
  • Over all I am healthy but, but a big BUT… my Fat Mass is higher from my  ideal range (20.5%-base on my weight of 55kg. ) Mine is 38.5%…   Wow! so I need to burn those excess fat from my body to be more healthy and prevent any serious health risk that I might encounter in the future.


Weight:  42-45kg (if I get rid off my excess Fat Mass, this should be my ideal weight)

Body toning and firming….   34-24-34…   Wow!

I started my training last April 1 and this morning I checked my weight and I am now 54kg.

Great! Isn’t it?



Dear All,

To all of my followers/buddies/friends,  thank you so much for staying with me.  I sincerely  and highly appreciate your effort of giving me  a visit or two. Your support by simply clicking like is already big enough to give me an encouragement to continue my blogging.

I may be also behind from reading all of your posts but I will do the best I can to visit all of you guys as much as I can, whenever I can.

I love you!

Stay tune with our regulars:

Mondays:  Manic Monday
Tuesdays:  Arts and Haiku
Wednesdays to Tuesdays:  Art Game
Thursdays: Tooth Of The Day (later it will resume everyday)
Fridays: Cafe Siesta
Saturdays: For The Love Of Haiku (later to resume every Saturdays)
Sundays: All About Lemon Posts…. JEST, Muses, Toothsome Story Game, all around, in and out of my own universe and yours too…  some post challenges or writing or arts and photo challenges
Monthly: Music Passion



I love you all!






For The Love Of Haiku 25

Extended to end of March 2013 🙂

allaboutlemon-All Around, In, And Out Of My Own Universe

Beauty in the night
Skeleton Knight Lover
Scary Hallow

Tifannie King 

My love for living
En-captured within the grave
Help me, I’m in here…!

I love your blood, your taste I bite
candles keep you warm as your flesh I chew
while witches wait for your heart…

Little lights flicker

death and destruction right there

Light shines in darkness


ghost witches and ghouls
creepy demons in the night
draining blood from life.


I call on all Haiku lovers out there to join us

and share with us your haiku ingenuity .

Let’s go guys and have fun :)

***To those who do not wish to post their Haiku with the Art Game image in their blog but have brilliant Haiku for this week Haiku to share with us, by all means you can just write down your Haiku in…

View original post 44 more words

CUCUMBER. Wow!! What A Little Gem The Cucumber Is…


“ Helpful Home Hints



1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.

3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.

4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.

5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!

6.  Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!

7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explorers for quick meals to thwart off starvation.

8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don’t have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.

9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!

10. Stressed out and don’t have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.

11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don’t have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.

12. Looking for a ‘green’ way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but it won’t leave streaks and won’t harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.

13. Using a pen and made a mistake?  Peel off the cucumber and slowly use its skin or outer part to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!

14. To quench your thirst? HOW ABOUT A CUCUMBER JUICE?

Cucumber Juice

makes 1 1/2 – 2 cups


1 English cucumber (the skinny kind in plastic)
1/4 cup sugar
2 cups water


Peel the cucumber, saving the peels.  Use a box grater to grate the cucumber into a bowl.

Bring sugar and water to a boil in a pot, add the grated cucumber and simmer 10 minutes.  Pour contents of the pot into a blender and add the cucumber peels.  Puree completely.

Place a strainer over a bowl or pitcher, line the strainer with cheesecloth.  Pour the cucumber puree through the cheesecloth.  When most of the liquid has drained through, gather the sides and squeeze any remaining juice from the cheesecloth.

Chill at least one hour, serve over ice (if desired) and garnish with cucumber slices.

Approximate cost/serving: Only $1.10 for the batch (for the cucumber and the sugar).  This made four servings for us so just 28 cents a serving.

Vegetarian/Gluten Free: Yes and yes!

15. Ladies…  running out of dates lately? mmmm would you think a cucumber could save you from what they called “that itch”?

Here are some of the cucumbers you could choose from:

English cucumber

Japanese cucumber

Mediterranean cucumber

Persian cucumber

Regular cucumber

Pass this along to everybody you know who is looking for better and safer ways to solve life’s everyday problems
Oooops! Exclude #15 I was just kidding, hehehe

Remember… Sharing is Caring!

Have fun and keep on blogging 🙂

#8 All Time Favorite Post- Water: The Inside Story


Did you know?

Drinking water at the correct time maximizes its effectiveness on the Human body:

2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activateinternal organs…

1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion…
1 glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure

1 glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke orheart attack…

#31 All Time Favorite Post- When The Earth Starts Moving…


Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest:

 orbit: 149,600,000 km (1.00 AU) from Sun diameter: 12,756.3 km mass: 5.972e24 kg
The Earth as seen from space

Earth is the only planet whose English name does not derive from Greek/Roman mythology. The name derives from Old English and Germanic. There are, of course, hundreds of other names for the planet in other languages. In Roman Mythology, the goddess of the Earth was Tellus – the fertile soil (Greek: Gaia, terra mater – Mother Earth).

It was not until the time of Copernicus (the sixteenth century) that it was understood that the Earth is just another planet.
Earth, of course, can be studied without the aid of spacecraft. Nevertheless it was not until the twentieth century that we had maps of the entire planet. Pictures of the planet taken from space are of considerable importance; for example, they are an enormous help in weather prediction and especially in tracking and predicting hurricanes. And they are extraordinarily beautiful.
The Earth is divided into several layers which have distinct chemical and seismic properties (depths in km):
-0- 40 Crust 40- 400 Upper mantle 400- 650 Transition region 650-2700 Lower mantle 2700-2890 D'' layer 2890-5150 Outer core 5150-6378 Inner core 


The crust varies considerably in thickness, it is thinner under the oceans, thicker under the continents. The inner core and crust are solid; the outer core and mantle layers are plastic or semi-fluid. The various layers are separated by discontinuities which are evident in seismic data; the best known of these is the Mohorovicic discontinuity between the crust and upper mantle.

Earth as seen from the Moon

Most of the mass of the Earth is in the mantle, most of the rest in the core; the part we inhabit is a tiny fraction of the whole (values below x10^24 kilograms):


 atmosphere = 0.0000051 oceans = 0.0014 crust = 0.026 mantle = 4.043 outer core = 1.835 inner core = 0.09675 

The core is probably composed mostly of iron (or nickel/iron) though it is possible that some lighter elements may be present, too. Temperatures at the center of the core may be as high as 7500 K, hotter than the surface of the Sun. The lower mantle is probably mostly silicon, magnesium and oxygen with some iron, calcium and aluminum. The upper mantle is mostly olivene and pyroxene (iron/magnesium silicates), calcium and aluminum. We know most of this only from seismic techniques; samples from the upper mantle arrive at the surface as lava from volcanoes but the majority of the Earth is inaccessible. The crust is primarily quartz (silicon dioxide) and other silicates like feldspar. Taken as a whole, the Earth’s chemical composition (by mass) is:

 34.6% Iron 29.5% Oxygen 15.2% Silicon 12.7% Magnesium 2.4% Nickel 1.9% Sulfur 0.05% Titanium


The Earth is the densest major body in the solar system.


The other terrestrial planets probably have similar structures and compositions with some differences: the Moon has at most a small core; Mercury has an extra large core (relative to its diameter); the mantles of Mars and the Moon are much thicker; the Moon and Mercury may not have chemically distinct crusts; Earth may be the only one with distinct inner and outer cores. Note, however, that our knowledge of planetary interiors is mostly theoretical even for the Earth.

Earth as a map of the world

Unlike the other terrestrial planets, Earth’s crust is divided into several separate solid plates which float around independently on top of the hot mantle below. The theory that describes this is known as plate tectonics. It is characterized by two major processes: spreading and subduction. Spreading occurs when two plates move away from each other and new crust is created by upwelling magma from below. Subduction occurs when two plates collide and the edge of one dives beneath the other and ends up being destroyed in the mantle. There is also transverse motion at some plate boundaries (i.e. the San Andreas Fault in California) and collisions between continental plates (i.e. India/Eurasia). There are (at present) eight major plates:

  • North American Plate – North America, western North Atlantic and Greenland 
  • South American Plate – South America and western South Atlantic
  • Antarctic Plate – Antarctica and the “Southern Ocean”
  • Eurasian Plate – eastern North Atlantic, Europe and Asia except for India
  • African Plate – Africa, eastern South Atlantic and western Indian Ocean
  • Indian-Australian Plate – India, Australia, New Zealand and most of Indian Ocean
  • Nazca Plate – eastern Pacific Ocean adjacent to South America
  • Pacific Plate – most of the Pacific Ocean (and the southern coast of California!)

There are also twenty or more small plates such as the Arabian, Cocos, and Philippine Plates. Earthquakes are much more common at the plate boundaries. Plotting their locations makes it easy to see the plate boundaries (right).

The Earth’s surface is very young. In the relatively short (by astronomical standards) period of 500,000,000 years or so erosion and tectonic processes destroy and recreate most of the Earth’s surface and thereby eliminate almost all traces of earlier geologic surface history (such as impact craters). Thus the very early history of the Earth has mostly been erased. The Earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old, but the oldest known rocks are about 4 billion years old and rocks older than 3 billion years are rare. The oldest fossils of living organisms are less than 3.9 billion years old. There is no record of the critical period when life was first getting started.

 71 Percent of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Earth is the only planet on which water can exist in liquid form on the surface (though there may be liquid ethane or methane on Titan’s surface and liquid water beneath the surface of Europa). Liquid water is, of course, essential for life as we know it. The heat capacity of the oceans is also very important in keeping the Earth’s temperature relatively stable. Liquid water is also responsible for most of the erosion and weathering of the Earth’s continents, a process unique in the solar system today (though it may have occurred on Mars in the past).

And when the earth starts moving, it is time to get out of the way…

Click any of the images to see the video… Brace yourself!

Remedies – Who Knew?

Oatmeal for arthritis? Glue to remove splinters? Who knew? 

Eliminate ear mites. All  it takes is a few drops of Wesson Corn Oil in  your cat’s or dog’s ear… massage it in, then clean with a cotton  ball. Repeat  daily for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat’s skin, smothers the mites,  and accelerates healing.

Kills  fleas instantly… Dawn  Dish washing Liquid does the  trick. Add  a few drops to your dog’s bath and shampoo the  animal thoroughly. Rinse  well to avoid skin  irritations. Good-bye  fleas.

Rainy  day cure for dog odor: Next time your dog comes  in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal  with Bounce or any dryer sheet, instantly making  your dog smell springtime  fresh. 

 Did  you know that drinking two glasses of Gatorade  can relieve headache pain almost  immediately-without the unpleasant side effects  caused by traditional pain  relievers?

Did  you know that Colgate Toothpaste makes an  excellent salve for burns? And for ladies… it is good as feminine wash too! Its cool effect makes you feel refreshing 🙂

 Before  you head to the drugstore for a high-priced  inhaler filled with mysterious chemicals, try  chewing on a couple of curiously strong Altoids  peppermints. They’ll  clear up your stuffed nose..

     Achy  muscles from a bout of the  flu? Mix  1 tablespoon horseradish in 1 cup of olive  oil. Let  the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as  a massage  oil for instant relief for aching  muscles.

  Sore  throat? Just  mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and  take 1 tablespoon six times a  day. The  vinegar kills the bacteria.

 Cure  urinary tract infections with  Alka-Seltzer. Just  dissolve two tablets in a glass of water and  drink it at the onset of the  symptoms. Alka-Seltzer  begins eliminating urinary tract infections  almost instantly-even though the product was  never been advertised for this  use.

 Honey  remedy for skin blemishes…. cover the blemish  with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over  it.Honey  kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and  speeds healing. Works  overnight.

Listerine  therapy for toenail fungus:Get  rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your  toes in Listerine Mouthwash. The  powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking  healthy again.
Also as balm  for broken blisters… to disinfect a broken  blister, dab on a few drops of  Listerine, a  powerful antiseptic.

Easy  eyeglass protection… to prevent the screws in  eyeglasses from loosening, apply a small drop of  Maybelline Crystal Clear Nail Polish to the  threads of the screws before tightening  them.

 Cleaning  liquid that doubles as bug killer… if menacing  bees, wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets get in  your home and you can’t find the insecticide,  try a spray of Formula  409. Insects  drop to the ground instantly.

 Smart  splinter remover: Just pour a drop of Elmer’s  Glue-All over the splinter, let dry, and peel  the dried glue off the  skin. The  splinter sticks to the dried  glue.

  Hunt’s  Tomato Paste boil cure… cover the boil with  Hunt’s Tomato Paste as a  compress. The  acids from the tomatoes soothe the pain and  bring the boil to a head.

Vinegar  to heal bruises… soak a cotton ball in white  vinegar and apply it to the bruise for 1  hour. The  vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds up the  healing process.

Quaker  Oats for fast pain relief… it’s not for just breakfast any more!  Mix  2 cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a  bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute,  cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your  hands for soothing relief from arthritis  pain.

   Dominos Sugar is great for exfoliating. Face and skin are so soft.

Who knew these products worked beyond their intended purposes?  Try them out, it’s worth a shot!

Feel free to re-blog this so everyone else will know and if you know some home products for health remedies please add on and share them with us. Thank you 🙂

Smoking Area…

Supposedly, this actually happened…

click to see the video:


When The Earth Starts Moving…


Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest:

 orbit: 149,600,000 km (1.00 AU) from Sun diameter: 12,756.3 km mass: 5.972e24 kg
The Earth as seen from space

Earth is the only planet whose English name does not derive from Greek/Roman mythology. The name derives from Old English and Germanic. There are, of course, hundreds of other names for the planet in other languages. In Roman Mythology, the goddess of the Earth was Tellus – the fertile soil (Greek: Gaia, terra mater – Mother Earth).

It was not until the time of Copernicus (the sixteenth century) that it was understood that the Earth is just another planet.
Earth, of course, can be studied without the aid of spacecraft. Nevertheless it was not until the twentieth century that we had maps of the entire planet. Pictures of the planet taken from space are of considerable importance; for example, they are an enormous help in weather prediction and especially in tracking and predicting hurricanes. And they are extraordinarily beautiful.
The Earth is divided into several layers which have distinct chemical and seismic properties (depths in km):
-0- 40 Crust 40- 400 Upper mantle 400- 650 Transition region 650-2700 Lower mantle 2700-2890 D'' layer 2890-5150 Outer core 5150-6378 Inner core 


The crust varies considerably in thickness, it is thinner under the oceans, thicker under the continents. The inner core and crust are solid; the outer core and mantle layers are plastic or semi-fluid. The various layers are separated by discontinuities which are evident in seismic data; the best known of these is the Mohorovicic discontinuity between the crust and upper mantle.

Earth as seen from the Moon

Most of the mass of the Earth is in the mantle, most of the rest in the core; the part we inhabit is a tiny fraction of the whole (values below x10^24 kilograms):


 atmosphere = 0.0000051 oceans = 0.0014 crust = 0.026 mantle = 4.043 outer core = 1.835 inner core = 0.09675 

The core is probably composed mostly of iron (or nickel/iron) though it is possible that some lighter elements may be present, too. Temperatures at the center of the core may be as high as 7500 K, hotter than the surface of the Sun. The lower mantle is probably mostly silicon, magnesium and oxygen with some iron, calcium and aluminum. The upper mantle is mostly olivene and pyroxene (iron/magnesium silicates), calcium and aluminum. We know most of this only from seismic techniques; samples from the upper mantle arrive at the surface as lava from volcanoes but the majority of the Earth is inaccessible. The crust is primarily quartz (silicon dioxide) and other silicates like feldspar. Taken as a whole, the Earth’s chemical composition (by mass) is:

 34.6% Iron 29.5% Oxygen 15.2% Silicon 12.7% Magnesium 2.4% Nickel 1.9% Sulfur 0.05% Titanium


The Earth is the densest major body in the solar system.


The other terrestrial planets probably have similar structures and compositions with some differences: the Moon has at most a small core; Mercury has an extra large core (relative to its diameter); the mantles of Mars and the Moon are much thicker; the Moon and Mercury may not have chemically distinct crusts; Earth may be the only one with distinct inner and outer cores. Note, however, that our knowledge of planetary interiors is mostly theoretical even for the Earth.

Earth as a map of the world

Unlike the other terrestrial planets, Earth’s crust is divided into several separate solid plates which float around independently on top of the hot mantle below. The theory that describes this is known as plate tectonics. It is characterized by two major processes: spreading and subduction. Spreading occurs when two plates move away from each other and new crust is created by upwelling magma from below. Subduction occurs when two plates collide and the edge of one dives beneath the other and ends up being destroyed in the mantle. There is also transverse motion at some plate boundaries (i.e. the San Andreas Fault in California) and collisions between continental plates (i.e. India/Eurasia). There are (at present) eight major plates:

  • North American Plate – North America, western North Atlantic and Greenland 
  • South American Plate – South America and western South Atlantic
  • Antarctic Plate – Antarctica and the “Southern Ocean”
  • Eurasian Plate – eastern North Atlantic, Europe and Asia except for India
  • African Plate – Africa, eastern South Atlantic and western Indian Ocean
  • Indian-Australian Plate – India, Australia, New Zealand and most of Indian Ocean
  • Nazca Plate – eastern Pacific Ocean adjacent to South America
  • Pacific Plate – most of the Pacific Ocean (and the southern coast of California!)

There are also twenty or more small plates such as the Arabian, Cocos, and Philippine Plates. Earthquakes are much more common at the plate boundaries. Plotting their locations makes it easy to see the plate boundaries (right).

The Earth’s surface is very young. In the relatively short (by astronomical standards) period of 500,000,000 years or so erosion and tectonic processes destroy and recreate most of the Earth’s surface and thereby eliminate almost all traces of earlier geologic surface history (such as impact craters). Thus the very early history of the Earth has mostly been erased. The Earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old, but the oldest known rocks are about 4 billion years old and rocks older than 3 billion years are rare. The oldest fossils of living organisms are less than 3.9 billion years old. There is no record of the critical period when life was first getting started.

 71 Percent of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Earth is the only planet on which water can exist in liquid form on the surface (though there may be liquid ethane or methane on Titan’s surface and liquid water beneath the surface of Europa). Liquid water is, of course, essential for life as we know it. The heat capacity of the oceans is also very important in keeping the Earth’s temperature relatively stable. Liquid water is also responsible for most of the erosion and weathering of the Earth’s continents, a process unique in the solar system today (though it may have occurred on Mars in the past).

And when the earth starts moving, it is time to get out of the way…

Click any of the images to see the video… Brace yourself!