For The Love Of Haiku – 6



for having the highest like of 30

in our 6th For The Love Of Haiku.

 She says:

Yes love, dinner’s here!

frogs legs, aliens, na,na

And a marinade!

(oh, gruesome!)

And we say:

adollyciousirony says:

With a bit of luck

Two ducks near the Love Tower 

Trapped inside the jar-


“Quack!”, quacks lovey duck.

-Froggy’s Jar of Lemon Dreams…

Here they fell in love!


silentlyheardonce says:

Prisoners of giants.

Captured inside a glass jar,

a  miniscule world.

grosenberg says:

Strange mixed guardians
Angel trapped in Eifel jar
What would freedom bring? 

Mark Armstrong says:

Prisoner in a jar
Flexing my big blue muscles
I lost my undies

(but I still look good)

Toothsome says:

“I thought raindrops fall?”,
quacks duck under umbrella.
Wondering who pissed?!?



 sarahpotterwrites says:

Bitter angel trapped.
Tricked by slippery smiles,
power of ascent gone.

Brook says:

Point Zip Zoom Cling Slip
Blue love vapor still inside
Waiting for magic.

Everyone is welcome to join me in this fun just because you love what you are doing and you are happy to do it.

Every third Saturdays of the month I will post an image that I got from  my Art Game and then you write down your Haiku based on what you see on the image.

February 18, 2012 :FTLOH-1

March 17, 2012: FTLOH-2

April 21, 2012: FTLOH-3

May 19, 2012: FTLOH-4

June 23, 2012: FTLOH-5

Important notes to remember:

***You can always check the result for the highest likes for each particular date hereHaiku Lovers

Grab your beautiful Haiku Logo.

Here is the link:  <a href=”http://allaboutlemon.com/for-the-love-of-haiku/” target=”_blank”><img src=”https://allaboutlemon.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/haiku-allaboutlemon.jpg” border=”0″ /></a>

Copy the link above and paste on your Text Widget


  1. Hi Dolly, I’m later than usual with my haiku contribution this month, having inflicted upon myself a novel-writing deadline that I could only wriggle out of on pain of death. http://sarahpotterwrites.wordpress.com/2012/07/28/for-the-love-of-haiku-5/

  2. Prisoner in a jar
    Flexing my big blue muscles
    I lost my undies

    (But I still look good!)

  3. Hey Dolly…. I posted this yesterday but forgot to link here….. 😉

  4. Hey Dolly,
    Here’s a haiku for the jar world.

  5. unfetteredbs says:

    mmm interesting challenge 🙂

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