Arts And Haiku



Click to see the making of this haiku image 🙂


Keep dreaming, don’t quit!
Everything is possible
and I love  donut :)

by Tiffanie King


never let me go
she said in her dream to me
but it was too late




Long left and forgotten
In sinful heart still waiting
For your warmth and light




Their names sail away
Their remembrance brings a smile
Under the moonlight




The latest health craze.
Slime-bathing removes wrinkles;
green is beautiful.




Nature and creatures
Both renewing my spirit
What’s up with that hand?


Lisa Summerlin 

Murky water pulls me in
The cold hand of death beckoning
I take my last few breaths



She bathed in a bog
And her big chocolate donut
Got licked by a frog


Mark Armstrong

Heart outside chest now
Misunderstanding widget
Still looking upward




Join “For The Love Of Haiku” Prompts  🙂

For more details about this Haiku fun click the logo above and join us!

Grab your beautiful Haiku Logo.

Here is the link:  <a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; border=”0″ /></a>

Copy the link above and paste on your Text Widget

  • Important Note: I invite you all to visit  my above contributors and check out their exciting world 🙂 Merci!
  • If you have interesting haiku to share with us about the subject above, by all means please write it down in the comment area so I could add yours too… 🙂

Arts And Haiku


Click to see the making of this haiku image 🙂


Poised toes, body twirls…

Lovely Marquise wished to be

A Ballerina!

byTiffanie King


Glam time traveller.

Cheesed off with Georgian cuisine,

she’s nicked a hot dog.


Perfectly balanced

What a creature to look at

Sexy butterfly


Culture overload

Beauty, often chaotic

Wild and untamed fun

Oh the pageantry!

The Lemons R Us Café

Donuts with mustard : P


  • LoveBytesOnAir says

Youthful dance, I yearn!

On hip-hop, leap, twist, swirl, dip…

What promise it hold?








Join “For The Love Of Haiku” Prompts  🙂

For more details about this Haiku fun click the logo above and join us!

Grab your beautiful Haiku Logo.

Here is the link:  <a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; border=”0″ /></a>

Copy the link above and paste on your Text Widget

  • Important Note: I invite you all to visit  my above contributors and check out their exciting world 🙂 Merci!
  • If you have interesting haiku to share with us about the subject above, by all means please write it down in the comment area so I could add yours too… 🙂

Arts And Haiku

Click to see how we came up with our haiku image 🙂


Yes love, dinner’s here!

frogs legs, aliens, na,na

And a marinade!

(oh, gruesome!)




With a bit of luck

Two ducks near the Love Tower 

Trapped inside the jar-


“Quack!”, quacks lovey duck.

-Froggy’s Jar of Lemon Dreams…

Here they fell in love!




Prisoners of giants.

Captured inside a glass jar,

a  miniscule world.



Strange mixed guardians
Angel trapped in Eifel jar
What would freedom bring? 



Prisoner in a jar
Flexing my big blue muscles
I lost my undies

(but I still look good)


Mark Armstrong

“I thought raindrops fall?”,
quacks duck under umbrella.
Wondering who pissed?!?




Bitter angel trapped.
Tricked by slippery smiles,
power of ascent gone.




Point Zip Zoom Cling Slip
Blue love vapor still inside
Waiting for magic.



Join “For The Love Of Haiku” Prompts  🙂

For more details about this Haiku fun click the logo above and join us!

Grab your beautiful Haiku Logo.

Here is the link:  <a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; border=”0″ /></a>

Copy the link above and paste on your Text Widget

  • Important Note: I invite you all to visit  my above contributors and check out their exciting world 🙂 Merci!
  • If you have interesting haiku to share with us about the subject above, by all means please write it down in the comment area so I could add yours too… 🙂

Arts And Haiku

Click to see how we came up with our haiku image 🙂

May 19, 2012: FTLOH-4

A crushing jet plane.
Thunder, lightning everywhere:
This time no bombs fall.


Tiffanie King

Unicorn disguised:

too risky to ride the seas

white-coated and horned.



Turbulent waters
beyond imagination
crackling and alive


I went to the beach
I hid under my blanket
Praying for coffee

: P


The enemy comes
This fight will be a strange one
Dibs on the dragon
Mermaid beckons me
I would rather love than fight
Enjoy the dragon

Okay you tough guys;
let up on the battle stuff…
Get your homework done!

Mysterious sky.
The world dimensions open,
with sizzling light.

Sirens cause chaos,
calm indulgence in a swim,
conquers even dreams~


  Creating Myself Daily 

Join “For The Love Of Haiku” Prompts 🙂

For more details about this Haiku fun click the logo above and join us!

Grab your beautiful Haiku Logo.

Here is the link:  <a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; border=”0″ /></a>

Copy the link above and paste on your Text Widget

  • Important Note: I invite you all to visit  my above contributors and check out their exciting world 🙂 Merci!
  • If you have interesting haiku to share with us about the subject above, by all means please write it down in the comment area so I could add yours too… 🙂

Arts And Haiku

A Fairy Tale Woe
Against all odds…Love endures!
Tribulation ends…

Tifannie King 

Click to see the making of this haiku image  :)

silentlyheardonce says: ***

What dreams of passion
For those who walk through hell’s gates
Stop! Smell the flowers

Lisa Summerlin says:

Blurred edges of lust

Seeking the heat of passion

Love finds its way in

sarahpotterwrites says:

Heart pierced by a thorn:
drifting between life and death,
the flower fairy wilts.

adollyciousirony says:

’til death do us part!

You tamed me… Behold a bloom

I am with nine lives…

–Rick says:

wind blown
bobbing marsh grasses
a dragonfly sleeps

Waiting on cold, bitter winds in New England

kz says:

If love were a place,
‘Tis heaven and hell combined
I’ve been there and back.

yerpirate says:

aroma of rose
devil’s door to passion
her fantasy flutters

zennjennc says:

Sweet memories fade
Fairytales become nightmares
Lovers torn apart



Torn Fairy lives…  Rise against

Fierce Angel Warrior

nightlake says:

Mind says patience

Heart is but an untamed fiend

The fiend is called love



Mixture of thy dreams

Torment or Bewitching trance

A soothing desire

douryeh says:


Challenge is welcome
New connection and new ties
No reason not to


Kitty ponders Life
Agonies and ecstasies
Says: Where’s my supper??

Join “For The Love Of Haiku” Prompts Every Saturday 🙂

For more details about this Haiku fun click the logo above and join us!

Grab your beautiful Haiku Logo.

Here is the link:  <a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; border=”0″ /></a>

Copy the link above and paste on your Text Widget

  • Important Note: I invite you all to visit  my above contributors and check out their exciting world 🙂 Merci!
  • If you have interesting haiku to share with us about the subject above, by all means please write it down in the comment area so I could add yours too… 🙂

“Hon, you’re so sweet… ” Just Another Manic Monday…


“Hon, you’re so sweet. You’re my super hero! Thank you dear…”


 Fun Weekdays Everyone!



Tooth Of The Day

The Best Moment Ever

  • The moment you think of a joke is the best moment.

 Judd Apatow quotes 


  • It Is Toothsome More3

The HookWillowToothsome More, Carol, Kim, EAM, Sarah, TeriJanice, Andy,

 Jess, Julie, MumOfOne, Mr. JB, Leiulf, Jaz, Katrina, Amy, JeanGhia, Kelly,

 GDH, Lisa, Brook, Ned, Jeff, No-One, Ashi, Linda, Tracy, Brown,The Grinch

I trust that your thoughts to nominate me with all of these award were all sincere and I highly appreciate all of your effort and kindness.

Awarded by:

Awarded by:


Awarded by:
 Laura Crean

Awarded by:

Lisa Summerlin


Awarded by

The Clements Award

Awarded by:


Awartded by:

 Moment Matters


Awarded by:

Awarded by:

As a token of my appreciation and sincere gratitude to all of my buddies who constantly give their efforts to contribute and support me in my Art Game, For The Love Of Haiku, Music Passion, Toothsome Story Game and for their non stop following and reading my regulars such as, Tooth Of The Day, Cafe Siesta, Manic Monday, Arts and Haiku, Sunday’s Sashay posts…  Here to salute all of you guys I created  you, your own cartoon-self… so that every now and then you will be with me and be featured and mentioned too in my Tooth Of The Day series…  Yihey! Awesome, isn’t it?

Some of you have no pictures so I just imagine funny features.  I hope you wouldn’t mind this and please do very kind not to put me in your spam folders  … hahaha

I invite everyone to please check out their exciting world by clciking on their names.



Arts And Haiku

Click to see the making of this haiku image  :)

adollyciousirony says:

A get-together.
Welcome everyone! Unwind!
A bloodthirsty race…

Lisa Summerlin says:

Romance dominates

Mystery and fun for you

Oh boop boop a doop!



‘Loved my salad days…
Wines.  Coffee breaks. Sweet kisses.
Some lucky escapes!

Brook says:

Strong women all types
Making something from nothing
Table for all life

nightlake says:

The queen stands tall

Poising coyly

Surveying her entertainers

Mark Armstrong says:

Weirdos abound at

The Lemons R Us Café

I feel right at home

kz says:  

Lovely femme fatale
They got the boom and the pow
Their lips — cash money.

Lovely femme fatale
Women hate ‘em, men love ‘em
Girls wanna be them.

silentlyheardonce says:

All gather around
want to party all night long
shut the joint on down.




Party all night long

Be fierce, be wild, be yourself

For once…  Live freely!


Join “For The Love Of Haiku” Prompts Every Saturday 🙂

For more details about this Haiku fun click the logo above and join us!

Grab your beautiful Haiku Logo.

Here is the link:  <a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; border=”0″ /></a>

Copy the link above and paste on your Text Widget

  • Important Note: I invite you all to visit  my above contributors and check out their exciting world 🙂 Merci!
  • If you have interesting haiku to share with us about the subject above, by all means please write it down in the comment area so I could add yours too… 🙂

That’s Cool Mom! Just Another Manic Monday…


So you can do more housework!


Finally I was able to post this.  I find it very difficult to post in WordPress lately…

 Have Fun Weekdays Everyone!



Arts And Haiku

Underwater world
Everything is refreshing
A colorful place!

Tifannie King 

Click to see the making of this haiku image  :)

Lisa Summerlin says:

Wet and untamed fun

Frolicsome cheer on dry land

Friends come together

Brook says:

True friends have our backs
Wonderful scary bear hugs
Solid rock beneath

grosenberg says:

Undersea Voyage
Diverse pilgrims journey here
New friendships emerge.

nightlake says:

Sea world meets

Toy cuddlers and cartoons

Fantasy of the human mind

sarahpotterwrites says:

In the split second
when everyone turns their backs,
mermaid appears.

yerpirate says:

behind each mermaid is a shark
behind each beauty is a shrek
behind a pussy in high boots?

adollyciousirony says:

At mermaid’s back… ‘Shark!

While behind each belle, a Shrek!

Rear end… Puss in boots:)

or a teaser:

Rear end…  A pussy? ( lol)
It’s  hello Master Kitty!
Puss, The Booted Cat.


kz says:

Girls can run the world!

No need for heroes… except

Just to scratch her… Puss?

(or ear. whatever.) ^^


muZer says:

Far away, down under
Girls simply want to have fun
Guys take a back seat

Got water, need soap
I’ll have to sing a few bars
I sure need a bath : P

Join “For The Love Of Haiku” Prompts Every Saturday 🙂

For more details about this Haiku fun click the logo above and join us!

Grab your beautiful Haiku Logo.

Here is the link:  <a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; border=”0″ /></a>

Copy the link above and paste on your Text Widget

  • Important Note: I invite you all to visit  my above contributors and check out their exciting world 🙂 Merci!
  • If you have interesting haiku to share with us about the subject above, by all means please write it down in the comment area so I could add yours too… 🙂

Rules Of Getting Older… Just Another Manic Monday


Manic (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




 Fun Weekdays Everyone!



Sun Drinks Coke… It’s A Real Thing In The Art Game- Summer



sun drinking coke

Join our summer fun

Sun drinks coke…  It’s a real thing

Here in the Art Game 🙂


Come on guys…  Join us in our fun!

*By adding the Art Game Logo below to your blog space, you could easily check the updates of our image. (Instructions on how to do this is written below).

Copy this magic link to your TEXT WIDGET : <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” border=”0″ /></a>
Note: If you need more info click Art Game Week 1  and  Art Game Week 10 for a brief demo…OK. Are you with me?
I would highly appreciate if you all are. I love you guys! I thank God that I met you all here in this blogosphere.

Enjoy and keep on blogging :)

Let’s go and have fun! Good Luck!

Art game continues…. to Tuesday 12pm (GMT) and then a new image will be post on Wednesday and so on.

This is fun… Come and join us!

  • Thanks to all my Art Game Players. For AG-W64-Wave Lovers. You can check it out here


seek to improve

Wow, Ice Cream! In The Art Game- Summer




Sand, surf, coconut
Forget not the rays of Sol


Come on guys…  Join us in our fun!

*By adding the Art Game Logo below to your blog space, you could easily check the updates of our image. (Instructions on how to do this is written below).

Copy this magic link to your TEXT WIDGET : <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” border=”0″ /></a>
Note: If you need more info click Art Game Week 1  and  Art Game Week 10 for a brief demo…OK. Are you with me?
I would highly appreciate if you all are. I love you guys! I thank God that I met you all here in this blogosphere.

Enjoy and keep on blogging :)

Let’s go and have fun! Good Luck!

Art game continues…. to Tuesday 12pm (GMT) and then a new image will be post on Wednesday and so on.

This is fun… Come and join us!

  • Thanks to all my Art Game Players. For AG-W64-Wave Lovers. You can check it out here


seek to improve

Goofy On The Go In The Art Game -Summer



goofy on the GO!

Catch Summer Action

Hot New Ideas…  Gimmicks

Beach’ Miscellaneous


Come on guys…  Join us in our fun!

*By adding the Art Game Logo below to your blog space, you could easily check the updates of our image. (Instructions on how to do this is written below).

Copy this magic link to your TEXT WIDGET : <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” border=”0″ /></a>
Note: If you need more info click Art Game Week 1  and  Art Game Week 10 for a brief demo…OK. Are you with me?
I would highly appreciate if you all are. I love you guys! I thank God that I met you all here in this blogosphere.

Enjoy and keep on blogging :)

Let’s go and have fun! Good Luck!

Art game continues…. to Tuesday 12pm (GMT) and then a new image will be post on Wednesday and so on.

This is fun… Come and join us!

  • Thanks to all my Art Game Players. For AG-W64-Wave Lovers. You can check it out here


seek to improve

Art Game- Summer


Catch Summer Action

Hot New Ideas…  Gimmicks

Beach’ Miscellaneous


Come on guys…  Join us in our fun!

*By adding the Art Game Logo below to your blog space, you could easily check the updates of our image. (Instructions on how to do this is written below).

Copy this magic link to your TEXT WIDGET : <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” border=”0″ /></a>
Note: If you need more info click Art Game Week 1  and  Art Game Week 10 for a brief demo…OK. Are you with me?
I would highly appreciate if you all are. I love you guys! I thank God that I met you all here in this blogosphere.

Enjoy and keep on blogging :)

Let’s go and have fun! Good Luck!

Art game continues…. to Tuesday 12pm (GMT) and then a new image will be post on Wednesday and so on.

This is fun… Come and join us!

  • Thanks to all my Art Game Players. For AG-W64-Wave Lovers. You can check it out here


seek to improve